Wieso erkennt Alexa meine Stimme?

Soundanalyse im Mathematikunterricht


  • Martin Vogt Hochschule Trier
  • Abrar Ahmed
  • Stefan Balke
  • Simone Bast
  • Saskia Laufer


This paper examines the integration of sound as a real-world data source in mathematics education. Based on the curriculum for vocational schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, four learning scenarios are developed to foster competence in "thinking in functional relationships," with a focus on non-rational functions. The first scenario introduces the basics of audio signals, emphasizing that our perception of sound operates "logarithmically." The second scenario addresses the mathematical modeling of audio signals using sine functions. The third scenario focuses on tools for visualizing and analyzing sound, while the fourth scenario highlights practical applications of sound analysis. Exploring various use cases underscores the relevance of incorporating sound into mathematics education.





Digitales Lehren und Lernen - Konzepte und Beispiele